The babies are 7 1/2 months now, and adjusted age is 4 months so they are pretty much acting like 4 month old babies by the book. Reaching for toys, laughing at themselves in the mirror, and rolling over from tummy to back. They smile a lot and melt our hearts and everyone else who is lucky enough to witness it. They are still on thickened feeds so I gave up on the pumping because it takes so much time to pump and then thicken and then feed them the thickened breast milk every 3 hours; I truly started to lose my sanity. The kids were only allowed to nurse as non nutritive feeding because they would aspirate the milk unthickened, so they nursed after pumping which Harper still loved even though they didn't get any milk. (God bless her little heart for letting me feel like a normal mom). She's been having a hard time because she can't nurse anymore now that I'm not pumping (it's too dangerous because she will get milk now). Getting rid of the pump I was shackled to felt so good after 7 months but Harper's cries make me feel so sad and guilty.........she just doesn't understand what happened to our bonding time.
The kids have had all their vaccinations and their first RSV shot. They will continue to get an RSV shot every month through March. I fear sickness so much because I have been warned that it can be very difficult for preemies to overcome sickness due to compromised immune systems and immature lungs. They have not been in a public place yet, only home, Nana's house and outside.
Harper is getting fitted for a helmet Friday to try to round out her narrow head. She will wear it for 23 hours a day and take it off only to get dressed and bathe. She is very opinionated these days and very particular about what she likes and doesn't like, so we will see how this will go. Robbie has become very laid back. The short video above depicts well what I mean about their personalities most days.
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