Harper is 13 pounds, Robinson is 16 pounds. Harper will be getting her helmet in the next few days. Robbie is teething. Harper is rolling over on command, Robbie did it once and stopped. Both kids can hold their own bottles and feed themselves while I get dressed in the morning. Both kids are jumping and bearing weight on their legs, reaching for toys and smiling and laughing. Robbie thinks everything is hilarious and chuckles all day, Harps is more serious but remembers everything, even a tech she met one time who gave her a shot.............she screamed and the tech said, "What did I do?" I said, "You gave her a shot last time she met you."
Doc says the most important thing right now is to gain weight and not get sick which would most likely put them back in the hospital. They went to a public place once, which was a grocery store on Christmas Eve day......so much to do I couldn't figure out any other way. Put all my groceries in the trunk and then remembered I still had to put the double stroller in the trunk as well. So it got put on top and crushed all the bags. It's still a learning process!
It's difficult to follow all the rules set by our doc, but she reminds me, the kids have come so far, we have to do all we can to make sure it doesn't end in a tragedy which is sickness for them. It's difficult for others to understand because they act and look like normal babies, but we have to keep in mind that when a baby is born at 1 pound, they have extremely compromised immune systems and both are diagnosed with Chronic Lung Disease. A respiratory infection would be too hard for their lungs to handle. Compromised lungs is the trademark for all preemies. They have had 2 flu shots and an RSV shot every month until their first birthday, because that vaccination only lasts 30 days. Babies get RSV from adults having a cold, and since everyone I meet has a cold these days, I'm in a constant state of panic...So we keep them in their little bubble and pray for health and growth until their first birthday.
We are excited to spend their first birthday at Ronald McDonald House and St. Joes. We are planning out our meal that we will be serving all the folks at the Ronald House and talking to them about how far we have come. Most people there have loved ones at St. Joes and a lot of Nicu Moms are there walking around in a daze, wondering what is going to become of their little babies. Then of course it's off to see our beloved nurses at St. Joes who made the whole day possible.
Harps getting fitted for her helmet which is to
help round out her already perfect head........
well.....according to us.....
Hey Lori, Pete!
ReplyDeleteI received your Christmas card. Thank you guys!
Glad the kiddos are doing great! What a crazy time for you four!
After almost 13 years with BMW of SF, I've finally moved on. Landed a job with Tesla Motors, opening their Honolulu service facility.
I move back to Oahu around the second week of January.
I know, I'm an awful friend. Thank you for not being like me!
One day I know we'll reconnect again. When it comes to friends, it's just like that.
May blessings continue to fall your way each and every day.
Love the video! Love the babies!! Can't wait to meet them.
ReplyDeleteKeep up that bubble guys! Good job!