Saturday, August 24, 2013

1 Year Update

The Twins' have had an amazing year. The progress has been stunning to us. Here are some of the highlighted changes:

--We hired an incredible nanny who works with the twins 3 days a week. I was nervous about the transition but we talked about all my fears and anxieties and she has proven to be a wonderful, trustworthy educator. She is not allowed to Facebook, text, have friends over or take personal calls. Yes, I AM a boss now. She doesn't have to clean, do laundry or cook. She just has to interact with the kids, have craft time, flashcards, massage, music and strolling. My family stops by and visits spontaneously and when they walk in, she's marching, singing, dancing, playing on the floor. Pete and I fear she's a better parent than us, but we think she will be in our family for a long time. She may not look like a typical nanny, with her tattoos and ear gages, but if anyone was put on this earth to educate kids, it would be Alyssa. She has plans to be a grade school teacher someday.

--We moved into our new house in Downtown Gilbert. We love it and live so much closer to all the people who were complaining about our previous location. We plan to stay in this house throughout the kid's school years, and we already have visions of creating fun stuff in the backyard like mini houses or a mini baseball field.

--Both kids are taking swimming lessons and also spend time in Nana and Papa's pool when they are there twice a week. They love swimming and love being outdoors. Gary put a Costco sun shade over the pool to so they can swim during the hot afternoons. Leave it to Gary, he thinks of everything. Gary and Karla love the kids so much, and the kids love being at their little self made daycare. Karla has always been a very instinctual person, I don't question her decisions or give her any instructions like the controlling parent I can be with others. Caring for preemies can be a little different than a full term baby, but G&K have been there since day 1and have a good sense of preemie parenting and protecting.

--Both kids are walking, babbling up a storm, have a mouth full of teeth, and play and laugh all day together. They are never apart, and still sleep in the same room.

--Harper Update:
Harper has been walking for months and is a few weeks ahead of Robbie on most things, which is typical of boy/girl twins. She runs our house like a little CEO. Her first official word was "Ball" which was determined after Alyssa told us that first word has to be a word that they associate with it's meaning. She picked up a ball, said "ball" and then brought it over to us. That was the day Pete knew with all his heart that she would be his little ball player and steal his heart forever. Harper is a little spit fire and so fun to play with and observe all day. I don't think I have ever felt more loved than I do with my little girl. She laughs all day at anything I say, wants to be on my hip 24/7, and when we catch eyes across the room, she gives me a little smile of love.

--Robbie Update:
Robs is such a boy. He moves through the house with destruction on his mind. Slowly, room by room, we are finding ourselves repairing, gluing, and putting back together. If you think your house is baby proofed, bring a 1 year old boy to spend the day there. He will find anything that bends and bend it backwards until it snaps. He will find anything that is glued and unglue it. He will find anything that is stitched and pull the string until it falls apart. This kid is so strong he moves furniture. He will drag a dining room chair, which is pushing on another dining room chair, across the kitchen tiles. He is so happy and hungry. He eats all the leftovers and smiles and laughs all day. He is showing no signs of CP and is no longer wearing his orthodic boots. He's our brave little miracle boy who is constantly reminding me, "I tried to tell you, I was going to be fine."

1 comment:

  1. Great update, Lori! I'm Heather and I was just wondering if you would be able to answer my question I have about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
